

A1 - use as a shop for the sale, display or provision of goods and services (except hot food) to visiting members of the public

A2 - use for the provision of financial or professional services (other than health or medical services) or any other service (including use as a betting office) appropriate to a shopping
area where the services are provided principally to visiting members of the public

A3 - use for the sale of food or drink for consumption on the premises or for hot food for consumption off the premises

Affordable housing - housing which is accessible to people who can not afford to rent or buy housing locally on the open market

Agenda 21 - document signed at the Earth Summit in 1992, which commits the Government to
producing a strategy for achieving sustainable development

Ancient woodland - identified by English Nature as having continuous woodland cover since 1600 AD

AONB - see Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Archaeological Assessment - usually a desk-based evaluation of the impact of proposed development on archaeological remains using existing archaeological information about a site

Archaeological Evaluation - archaeological fieldwork to establish the impact of proposed development on archaeological remains which may involve a ground survey, geophysical survey and/or small scale trial trenching

Archaeological Investigation - the process of excavating and recording archaeological remains and the subsequent publication of the results

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) - landscape of national importance designated by the Secretary of State for the Environment on the advice of the Countryside Agency. The primary objective of designation is the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape.

Area of Special Control for Advertisements - an unspoiled rural area where advertisements are strictly controlled in order to protect its character

Area of Archaeological Potential - areas known to have archaeological remains

Article 4 direction - removes permitted development development rights contained within the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 on the grounds that to exercise these rights would have an adverse affect on thecharacter of the area

B1 - use as an office (other than within class A2), or for research and development of products or processes, or for light industrial use where the use can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit

B2 - use for any industrial process other than Class B1

B8 - use for storage or as a distribution centre

Backland development - development of land to the rear of existing properties, often using garden land

Best and most versatile agricultural land - land graded 1, 2 or 3a in the former MAFF's Agricultural Land Classification system. This land is the most productive and supports the widest range of crops

Biomass - sources of energy derived from plant or animal material

Bridleway - a public right of way for pedestrians and horse riders

Bonus - housing permissions in addition to those identified by the Plan - either new sites or
increases in density on existing sites

C1 - use as a hotel, boarding or guest house or as a hostel where, in each case, no significant element of care is provided

C2 - Use for the provision of residential accommodation and care to people in need of care (other
than a use within class C3 (dwelling houses). Use as a hospital or nursing home. Use as a residential school, college or training centre

C3 - Use as a dwelling house (whether or not as a sole or main residence) by a single person or by people living together as a family, or by not more than six residents living together as a single
household (including a household where care is provided for residents)

Census of Population - 10 yearly survey carried out by the Government of whole population which provides demographic and social statistics

Census of Employment - survey of employers carried out by the Department of Employment and Education

Circular - document issued by Government giving interpretation of Acts of Parliament

Code system operators - company granted a licence under the Telecommunications Act 1984 to carry out specified telecommunications works

Combined Heat and Power - form of energy generation where the waste heat from electricity
generation is passed through a second cycle to extract the energy from the heat

Commitments - sites with planning permission for development, including those under construction and completed in the Plan period

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - policy of the European Union which, among other things,
supports agriculture through the payment of subsidies for growing crops

Community benefit - provision of facilities, such as sports halls or open space, by a developer from theprofits of development

Community Woodland - woodland to which the public has free access for informal recreation

Commuted payments - instead of providing for an essential part of a development, such as car parking spaces, the developer makes a payment so the Council can provide the facility off-site

Comparison shopping - high value, non-food products, such as clothing, furniture, electrical
goods, for which the consumer generally expects to invest time and effort into visiting a range of
shops before making a choice

Conservation Area - area of special architectural or historical interest where it is desirable to preserve or enhance its character or appearance

Conservation Area Partnership (CAPs) - partnership agreement between local authorities and
English Heritage to improve historic environments

Convenience shopping - goods such as food, newspaper and drinks, which tend to be purchased regularly

Coppice woodland - wood, periodically cut to allow new growth from the base of trees

Country Park - large area of land offering easy access for countryside recreation

Countryside - undeveloped land beyond urban boundaries and rural settlement confines. This excludes land allocated for development in the Plan together with formal open space, and existing buildings and their curtilage.

Countryside Agency - Government's advisor on rural issues, including planning matters

Countryside Stewardship Scheme - a grant scheme operated by DEFRA with the aim of protecting and enhancing valued landscapes and habitats and improving opportunities for public enjoyment of the countryside

D1 - non-residential institutions. Any use not including a residential use for the provision of any
medical or health services except the use of premises attached to the residence of the consultant or practioner; as a crêche, day nursery or day centre; for the provision of education; for the display of works of art; as a museum; as a public library or public reading room; as a public hall or exhibition hall; for, or in connection with, public worship or religious instruction

D2 - Assembly and leisure. Use as a cinema, concert hall, bingo hall or casino, dance hall, a
swimming bath, skating rink, gymnasium or area for other indoor or outdoor sports or recreations,
not involving motorised vehicles or firearms

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - is responsible for promoting sustainable development, protecting and improving the rural, urban, marine and the global environment. DEFRA also provides grant aid and advice on conservation, a service that was previously undertaken by MAFF

Derelict land - land so damaged by industrial or other development that it is incapable of beneficial use without treatment

Developer contributions - payment by developer for services, the need for which arise from the development itself

District heating - use of waste heat from electricity generation to directly heat homes or industrial building

Dover and Western Parishes Local Plan - the Local Plan that covers the southern part of the District which has now been succeeded by the Dover District Local Plan

Dover Harbour Board - body responsible for running the port of Dover

Dual use - the opening up of recreational facilities, such as those at schools, to the public

Earth Summit - the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992 where World Governments for the first time recognised the need to address the issue of climate change and agreed the need for action to address the World’s environmental problems

East Kent Initiative - a former economic task force, representing both public and private sector interests, set up in 1991 to promote the economic regeneration of Kent

Economically active - adults in work, looking for work or on a Government training scheme

Edge-of-centre - location within a reasonable walking distance (200-300m.) of the primary shopping frontage, and providing parking facilities that serve the centre as well as the store, thus enabling one trip to serve several purposes

Employment land - land for office, industrial and warehousing uses (Use Classes B1/B2/B8)

English Heritage - Government's advisor on listed buildings, conservation areas and scheduled ancient monuments

English Nature - Government's advisor on nature conservation

Environment Agency - Government-funded agency responsible for pollution control, waste regulation, water resources, flood defence, and inland fisheries, recreation, conservation and navigation of inland waterways. These functions were previously exercised by the National Rivers
Authority (NRA), Waste Regulation Authority (WRA) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Pollution (HMIP)

Environmental Appraisal - process of testing the effects of the Plan's policies on aspects of the environment

Environmental Assessment - process of collecting information of the effects of individual development projects on various aspects of the environment

Environmental Statement - formal document produced as a result of an environmental assessment

ETSU - the Energy Technology Support Unit manages the DTI’s new and renewable energy programme

European Blue Flag - awarded to beaches which meet the European Union's standards for cleanliness

Factory Outlet Shopping Centre - collection of small shop units selling manufacturers’ seconds and end-of-line goods direct to the visiting public at a discounted price

Farm and Conservation Grant Scheme - administered by DEFRA offering assistance to a range of schemes with grants available for work with environmental value, such as providing traditional field boundaries, shelter belts, enclosure woodlands

Farm diversification - supplementing farm incomes by providing non-agricultural sources of revenue in order to maintain the viability of farm holdings

Farm Woodland Premium Scheme - administered by DEFRA to encourage farmers to plant new woodland on land currently in productive agricultural use

Fluvial flood plain - largest area flooded by a river once every one hundred years, or the worst
recorded instance of a river's flood

Fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas, formed from animal and plant material during the carboniferous era

Fresh land - land outside urban boundaries and village confines which does not have planning
permission, and is not allocated for, residential development

Full cut-off lanterns - design of lights which directs all light produced downwards

Full planning permission - application where all details are approved

GATT - the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is an international organisation which aims to remove barriers to trade, such as the payment of subsidies to farmers or the use of quotas for imports

General Permitted Development Order - secondary legislation issued by the Secretary of State for the Environment which grants planning permission to certain forms of minor development

General industry - see B2

Global warming - process by which the Earth is getting warmer due to more of the Sun's heat being trapped by the Earth's atmosphere as a result of increased concentration of greenhouse gases released by human activity

Grant maintained schools - schools which receive their funding directly from the Department of
Education rather than the local authority

Green corridor - green areas which link open spaces/wildlife areas within urban areas or to the

Green tourism - tourism which safeguards and promotes understanding of the environment

Green wedge - large areas of undeveloped land on the edge of urban areas which play an important role in shaping the character and enhancing the appearance of urban areas

Groundwater Source Protection Zone - areas defined by the NRA in which certain types of development are restricted/prevented in order to ensure that groundwater sources remain free from contamination/pollution

Heritage Coast - nationally important coastline, defined by local authorities in conjunction with the Countryside Agency, with the objective of protecting and enhancing its natural beauty and increasing public access

Highway Authority - Kent County Council which is responsible for the planning and maintenance of roads (except Trunk and private roads) in the District

HMOs - dwelling which is occupied by seven or more unrelated people living together, or is
occupied by six or less people but are not living together as a single household

Houses in Multiple Occupation - see HMOs

IMPACT - organisation set up by Dover District and Kent County Councils in order to carry out a
programme of environmental improvements in the District

Infilling - the completion of an otherwise substantially built up frontage by the filling of a narrow gap taking only one or two dwellings

I ntermediate Area - area where financial assistance is available to help stimulate economic activity

Kent Impact Study - study commissioned to advise upon the likely economic and employment impact of the Channel Tunnel and related infra-structure, and offer a strategy to deal with these effects

Kent Structure Plan - prepared by the County Council to give a broad framework within which
local plans are prepared. This Local Plan has been prepared on the basis of the Third Review of the Kent Structure Plan

Light industry - see B1

Light spill - light that is not illuminating the intended object, and is therefore `spilling' onto non-intended targets

Listed building - a building of architectural or historical importance, graded according to its
importance (Grade I, II*, II). The list is kept by the Department of National Heritage. Buildings on the list are subject to special control

Listed Building Consent - required to demolish, extend or alter any aspect of a listed building,
including any object or structure within its curtilage erected before July 1948

Local Nature Reserve - habitats of local significance, which make a contribution both to nature
conservation and to opportunities for the public to learn about and enjoy wildlife. Declared and
managed by the local authority in conjunction with others

Luminance - amount of light emitted

MAFF - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food was responsible for administering policy for
agriculture, horticulture and fisheries. MAFF duties and responsibilities have now been taken over by DEFRA

Minerals Local Plan - prepared by the County Council setting out policies to provide for the
supply of minerals

Mixed uses - integration of uses into an area so that people can live in close proximity to all the
facilities they need reducing the need to travel and making places more attractive through activity

National Nature Reserve - areas of national/international importance, which are owned or leased by English Nature or a body approved by them, or managed in accord with Nature Reserve Agreements

Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation - order made by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry which requires the electricity companies to buy a certain amount of electricity capacity from renewable sources of energy

N orth Downs Way - long distance footpath running through the District

Ordnance Datum Newlyn (ODN) - mean sea level re-corded at the Ordnance Survey Tidal
Observatory at Newlyn in Cornwall

Open Space Improvement Programme (OSIP) - a commitment by the Council to making good deficiencies in the wider open space needs of the District through the establishment of an OpenSpace Improvement Programme. The funding for an OSIP is likely to come from devel-oper contributions as part of any new housing development, Parish and Town Councils and from the Council.

Outline planning permission - submitted to establish the general principle of development. The exact details are reserved for later approval

Passive solar design - design to optimise the amount of the sun’s energy that heats and lights a building naturally

Permitted development rights - minor development which is granted planning permission by the General Permitted Development Order 1995

Photovoltaics - method of generating electricity directly from the sun

Pit head - area on which colliery buildings stand/stood

Port operational - use for the purpose of shipping, or in connection with the embarking, disembarking, loading, discharging or transport of passengers, livestock or goods within the port. This is granted planning permission by virtue of the General Permitted Development Order 1995. Outside the port, planning permission is needed

Port-related - development which is connected with the port, but not directly necessary for port activity

PPG - Planning Policy Guidance notes set out Government policy on aspects of planning

Previously developed land - land that is or was occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agriculture or forestry buildings), and associated fixed infrastructure. The definition covers curtilage of the development. Previously developed land may occur in both built-up and rural settings. The definition includes defence buildings and land used for mineral extraction and waste disposal where provision for restoration has not been made through development control procedures - see PPG3, Annex A for further information

Primary shopping frontage - the most important shopping area of a town, usually characterised by having the highest rents and pedestrian flow, where development on ground floors is primarily restricted to retailing

Primary transport network - routes which link the main urban areas of Kent and other strategic centres such as the ports or Channel Tunnel. In the District the routes consist of the A2, A20, A256, A260 (when opened), the Dover - Canterbury and Dover- Folkestone rail line

Proposals Map - a map of the District showing the Plan's proposals and where policies apply

Public open space - land, such as parks and playing fields to which the public has free, unrestricted access

Ramsar site - wetland habitat of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention, to which the British Government is a signatory

Renewable energy - energy flows which occur naturally and repeatedly in the environment, such as wind and solar

Repairs Notice - mechanism by which the Council can carry out repairs to a listed building

Residential Institutional Uses - use for the provision of residential accommodation to care
for people in need of care, use as a hospital or nursing, residential school, college or training
centre. Use Class C2 of the Use Classes Order

Retail Impact Study - an investigation into the effect of a proposed development upon existing retailers in an area

Retail warehousing - large single-level stores specialising in sale of household goods and bulky DIY items, often in out-of-centre locations

Routeing agreement - an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which requires vehicles to travel to and from a site by a specified route

Rural Development Area - rural areas with the greatest concentration of social and economic

Rural diversification - process of expanding the range of activities in which rural workers are
dependent away from agriculture/horticulture

SAM - see Scheduled Ancient Monuments

SAC - see Special Area of Conservation

Safeguarded land - land which is required for some other purpose and is therefore protected an shown on the proposals map

Sandwich Informal District Plan for Conservation - non-statutory Plan for Sandwich which has been replaced by this Plan

Saxon Shore Way - long distance footpath, which runs from Gravesend to Rye, and passes through the District

Scheduled Ancient Monuments - ancient monuments of national importance included on a
schedule maintained by the Department of National Heritage as advised by English Heritage

Secondary shopping frontage - shopping areas of secondary importance where it is desirable to restrict the use of ground floors to retailing, financial and professional services and food and drink

Set-aside - part of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union whereby farmers are paid to take land out of agricultural production to reduce the level of surpluses of crops

Single European Market - the integration of the economies of the European Union by removing
barriers to trade and movement of people so that the whole of the EU is effectively one market

Site of Nature Conservation Interest - locally significant nature conservation site identified by
the Kent Trust for Nature Conservation

Site of Special Scientific Interest - the most important wildlife habitats in the country

SLA - see Special Landscape Area

SNCI - see Site of Nature Conservation Interest

SPA - see Special Protection Area

Special Area of Conservation - natural habitat sites of international importance, designated under the Habitats Directive. The list is currently being prepared by English Nature

Special Landscape Area - landscapes of countywide importance where priority is given to the
enhancement and conservation of natural beauty

Special Protection Area - the habitats of species of wild birds which are of international importance to ensure their survival and reproduction, designated under the Wild Birds Directive

Spinal cycle route - network of interconnected cycle paths

SPG - see Supplementary Planning Guidance

SSSI - see Site of Special Scientific Interest

Standard Assessment Procedure - method of assessing the level of energy efficiency of new

Statement of General Conformity - issued by the County Council to state that a plan generally
conforms with the Structure Plan

Strategic tourist facility - development of Countywide or greater importance, such as a holiday village

Supermarket - self-service store selling mainly food with a gross trading floorspace of between 500 and 2,500 square metres

Superstore - self-service store selling mainly food with at least 2,500 square metres gross trading floorspace

Supplementary Planning Guidance - guidance on specific or sensitive planning issues which adds detail to policies in the Plan

Sustainable Development - concept, first defined by the Brundtland Commission, which requires that development must not deny future generations the best of today's world

Telecottage - small-scale building, usually in rural settlements, which offers a range of facilities such as computers and fax machines for people to use at a charge

Teleshopping - buying goods via television shopping channel

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - the major legislation governing land use planning

Town centre - area where mixed commercial uses predominate, providing a broad range of facilities and services which fulfil a function as a focus for the community and public transport

Town Centres of Archaeological Importance - areas of Dover and Sandwich which are particularly important for archaeology

TPO - see Tree Preservation Order

Traffic calming - method of managing traffic with the aim of reducing vehicular speeds, often
involving the use of speed humps or chicanes

Traffic impact assessment - study of proposed traffic levels likely to be generated by a development

Traffic management - general term used to cover measures such as traffic calming, pedestrianisation and bus priority which aim to reduce the impact of vehicular traffic, congestion and accidents, and improve the flow of traffic

Transport Plan - a non-statutory Plan produced by the Highway Authority which sets out a programme of action for the Structure Plan's policies

Transport Policies and Programme - document submitted to the Department of Transport seeking Government funding for Transport schemes

Tree Preservation Order - gives protection to individual trees, groups of trees or woodlands by
preventing works to trees, such as cutting down, topping or lopping, without the express consent of the planning authority

Trunk Roads - roads carrying strategic traffic and under the jurisdiction of the Department ofTransport

Undeveloped Coast - sections of the coast which remain largely free from development - on the
Proposals Map the undeveloped coast has been defined so as to exclude the Heritage Coast

Unstable land - large areas of land liable to sudden failure

Urban Areas - land within the urban boundaries of Dover and Deal

Urban Transport Strategy - non-statutory document which considers transport problems of Dover, Deal and Sandwich

Use Classes Order - statutory instrument which defines broad categories of use of land and buildings

Village Confines - the residential core of rural settlements, within which minor residential may be acceptable on suitable sites. They do not define the extent of a village, its community nor its built up area

Waste Local Plan - statutory plan, prepared by the County Council containing policies in respect of development which involves the depositing of refuse or waste material

Waste-to-energy plant - power station in which waste is burned to produce electricity

White Cliffs Countryside Project - a partnership of public and private sector bodies which is aimed at protecting and caring for the cliffs and countryside around Dover and in Shepway District, making them accessible to everyone

Woodland Grant Scheme - operated by the Forestry Authority with the aim of encouraging the
creation of new forests and woodlands for wood production, enhancing landscapes, providing wildlife habitats, and offering opportunities for recreation