A number of sites within the District are proposed for major mixed use developments or have existing uses which need to be controlled or are situated in particularly sensitive locations. While planning guidance is required, these sites do not readily fall into the general chapters of the Plan and the guidance in this chapter supplements the Plan's general policies.
The former Betteshanger Colliery site is situated in a rural location. Adjacent
to the pithead is a group of houses, built in the 1930s to accommodate colliery
workers, known as the Colliery Circle. The majority of the spoil tip is on lower
ground to the east of the A258. A small area of the site is notified as a SSSI
and is also a Ramsar site. At one point the site is crossed by a bridge carrying
the A258.
Colliery Pithead Complex
The colliery closed in 1989. The mine shafts have been filled and capped. The
area around the mine shafts may be sterilised from built development, although
it could accommodate roads, parking areas and landscaping. Some buildings have
been demolished but those remaining are located on approximately 3.4 Ha. (8.4
acres). The site is located in the countryside, away from the main centres of
population and workforce. It is situated in a sensitive location close to a SLA
and is clearly visible from a number of vantage points, in particular, the A258
Deal to Sandwich road. In locational terms, the site is not sustainable. The
site has not been allocated as there is uncertainty surrounding the sites
ability to be developed during the Plan period. However, should the site come
forward earlier than expected the Council would be prepared to permit only
employment uses. The site is in need of environmental upgrading and it is likely
that substantial investment will be required in both on-site and off-site
infrastructure. The site is located close to residential properties and any
proposals for redevelopment must safeguard residential amenity.
Although not the most suitable location, the redevelopment of the site for
employment uses would bring economic benefits, and involve bringing back into
use derelict and possibly contaminated land. The redevelopment of the whole site
would be likely to generate very high levels of traffic and be particularly
prominent in the landscape. Therefore, the Council supports, in principle, the
redevelopment of part of the former colliery complex for B1, B2 and B8
employment uses. The redevelopment of the site for housing, retail or intensive
recreation uses would not be acceptable.
Redevelopment of the site is likely to result in the need for highway improvements. This could be achieved by either improving the existing road network or preferably, the construction of a new road to the A258 to serve the site. Either option should ensure that nature conservation and landscape interests and residential amenity are not adversely affected. In order to assess the impact of any proposals on the transport network, the Council will require a traffic impact assessment to be carried out. This should examine, in detail, the opportunities for all travel options, including the potential use of the existing rail connection with the main line and measures to improve the accessibility to the site by public transport. There is an existing cycleway, which runs from Deal to the north west along the A258, and this should be extended into the site.
In the north west edge of the site, the sewage works, which served the colliery,
still serves the residential properties in the hamlet of Betteshanger. These
works should, therefore, be retained and any necessary improvements made to
serve any future industrial development. It is likely that some further
investment in other service provision will be needed if development of the site
is to proceed.
All highway and utility improvements will need to be funded by the developer.
Developers are also advised that the above is not an exclusive list of all the
issues to be resolved. For example, detailed ground conditions are unknown and
developers are urged to contact the Coal Authority on this matter. A study of
ground conditions, covering stability and contamination will be required.
Planning permission will only be granted if remedial measures have been agreed
to remove or render harmless any contaminating substances. An assessment of the
archaeological potential of the site should also be submitted with any
A scheme to generate electricity through the burning of tyres at the Colliery has been awarded a contract under the third round of the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation (NFFO-3). The Councils stance on renewable energy generation is set out in Chapter 7. Before the Council could support this scheme more information is required. The main issues relating to such a proposal are likely to be traffic generation, visual impact, noise, emissions, effect on ecology, design of buildings and the disposal of ash residues.
Policy AS1 –
The re-use of existing buildings and/or the redevelopment of the former Betteshanger Colliery pithead, shown on Sheet 4 of the Proposals Map, for B1/B2/B8 employment uses will be permitted provided:-
- a survey and evaluation is carried out to determine the extent of any contamination, and remedial measures proposed to ensure development of the site does not pose a threat to human health or nature conservation interests;
- the amenity of neighbouring residential property is safeguarded;
- new buildings are acceptable in landscape terms;
- adequate highway and site access arrangements can be made and the development is acceptable in terms of travel demand;
- pedestrian and cycle links are made to Deal urban area; and
- nature conservation and archaeological interests are safeguarded.
In order to fully assess the impact of any proposals, the Council will require the submission of sufficient details of buildings, landscaping, traffic impact and parking. Additionally, the Council will seek to enter into a legal agreement relating to off-site highway improvements that may be necessary.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy contributes to the Objective of recycling of redundant resources. The policy is likely to contribute towards the Objectives of reducing pollution although the exact effects are unpredictable. The policy works against the Objectives of concentrating investment in urban areas and locating development so as to minimise the need to travel.
This site has a key location within the town centre, close to the primary road
network and public transport connections. It lies between the Castle slopes and
the Western Heights, immediately behind the seafront/harbour, and straddles the
recently upgraded A20. The site is a fundamental part of the link between the
seafront and the town centre but, at present, is generally under-utilised and
consists largely of surface car parks and a number of buildings built during the
1960s. In order to improve the appearance of the area and add to the general
prosperity of the town, the Council considers the opportunity exists for
substantial redevelopment and environmental improvements.
The Dover and Western Parishes Local Plan allocates the existing Russell Street
surface car park for a new multi-storey car park and gives support to traffic
management measures in this area. However, due to uncertainties over the level
of parking which will be needed and over funding, it is considered that the
allocation is no longer appropriate. It is, nevertheless, vital that any
redevelopment proposals take account in their layout and design of the need for
public town centre car parking. Proposals which would prevent, or prejudice, the
provision of such public parking will not be permitted.
The Council has appointed consultants to examine the redevelopment prospects and
scope for environmental improvements in a much larger area than that shown on
the Proposals Map. In 2000 the Council commissioned consultants to prepare a
development brief for the site. This was subject to public consultation and has
been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance. The redevelopment of the area
shown on the Proposals Map will take place over a number of years and is,
therefore, seen as a long term project. It is currently in several ownerships
and uses. Redevelopment is, therefore, dependent on site assembly and the
relocation of existing uses. Every effort will be made to resolve any land
ownership issues through negotiation but, as a last resort, the Council is
prepared to use its Compulsory Purchase powers. Policy AS9 sets out the basic
requirements of any scheme.
The site is suitable for a mixture of uses, including employment (particularly
offices), retail, leisure and tourism. This would accord with the sequential
approach set out in PPG6. The Councils Sport and Recreation Strategy1 identifies
this as the location for major sport and recreation facilities. The sites
prominent location means careful attention to design will be necessary. Metal
clad structures are not considered to be suitable. Camden Crescent car park was
formerly the site of a hotel and subsequently has had permission for a new
hotel. It is, therefore, considered suitable for tourist accommodation. It is
estimated that the site could accommodate up to 100 dwellings, including an
element of affordable housing.
The shopping chapter sets out that the preferred location for new comparison floorspace is within the town centre. The majority of this site lies within the town centre and an element of retail floorspace would, therefore, be acceptable. The site is easily accessible by public transport, cyclists and pedestrians and proposals should complement rather than compete with existing facilities in the town centre. It is, therefore, vital that strong pedestrian links are made to the Market Square and Castle Street areas, whilst enhancing pedestrian and cycle connections with the seafront.
The site falls within the Dover Town Centre of Archaeological Importance and the
area is known to have archaeological significance. A detailed archaeological
evaluation will, therefore, be required. In addition, the north east corner of
the site contains the remains of St. James's Church, a Scheduled Ancient
Monument. It also adjoins and partly falls within Dover Castle Conservation
Area. Any proposals must preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the
conservation area. In particular, proposals must respect the character of Castle
Street and retain the important views of Dover Castle. The site is a key
location at the entrance to both the town and the British Isles, and is highly
visible from Dover Castle and the Western Heights. Proposals will be required to
be designed in scale with the historic grain of development in Dover, use
appropriate materials, and present attractive views from Townwall Street, the
Harbour, and high view points adjoining the town.
The location of new uses within the site is flexible. There may be scope to rearrange the existing street pattern to enhance redevelopment and provide environmental improvements. Adequate access to the site and the road network will need to be provided. In order to fully assess the traffic implications of any scheme, a traffic impact assessment will be required.
Policy AS9 –
The redevelopment of the St. James's Area, shown on the Dover Inset of the Proposals Map, for a mixed use scheme including B1 employment, retail, residential, leisure and tourism uses will be permitted provided that any new development:-
- maximises the use of the upper floors of buildings;
- is designed to reflect the sites important location, and the importance of views from Dover Castle and the Western Heights and the setting of Dover Castle and St. James's Church Scheduled Ancient Monument;
- provides strong pedestrian and cycle links to the Market Square, Castle Street and Dover seafront;
- provides adequate access and parking arrangements including provision of public parking;
- provides for an archaeological evaluation in advance of any planning decision, and for the consequent appropriate level of archaeological mitigation in accordance with the archaeological policies of this Plan; and
- incorporates environmental improvements to the whole area, including the riverside walk.
In order to fully assess traffic implications any planning application will need to be accompanied by a traffic impact assessment.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy works towards the Objectives of reducing pollution, recycling redundant resources, protecting the historic environment, concentrating investment in urban areas, locating development so as to minimise the need to travel, and providing alternatives to the motor car. No Objectives are adversely affected.
The Circuit is a long established venue for motor sports and adds to the visitor
attractions in the Dover area. It is located just south of the A2, accessed from
an unclassified country lane, which leads from the A2 to Wootton, and lies
within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Special Landscape Area
(SLA). The majority of the site lies within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone
2, whilst a small part lies in a Zone 1.
For many years the site operated on the basis of a series of temporary permissions. In 1986, permanent permission was granted, subject to conditions restricting frequency and type of use, and safeguarding amenity. The major constraints on the use of the Circuit stem from disturbance to local residents, particularly those at Wootton, Shepherdswell and Coldred, its location in a very sensitive landscape and poor access.
The opportunity arose in the early 1990's for the Council to secure both environmental improvements and significant employment benefits through a proposal to redevelop the Circuit, for which outline planning permission was granted in 1991 and extended in 1994. The permission was for a test track for Formula One cars and road silenced sports cars, a circuit for a limited amount of racing and the erection of a 23,234 sq. m. (250,000 sq. ft.) factory for research, development and production of Formula One racing cars and a new on the road up-market sports car. Development has now started on the implementation of this planning permission.
Since permission was given for the circuits redevelopment, the Government has re-iterated its view, in revising PPG7, that policies and decisions affecting AONB should favour the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape and it would normally be inconsistent with the aims of designation to permit major commercial development in theses areas. Additionally, permission has recently been given by the Secretary of State for the relocation of the research, development and production facilities in Surrey. Other sites within Dover have become available for business use since the permission for Lydden Circuit was first granted. Given these changed circumstances, any future proposals for development at or the redevelopment of, Lydden Circuit, should be assessed against policies of the development plan, and, in particular be assessed against policies (including national policies) for the AONB.
Policy AS13 –
Proposals to expand the use of Lydden Circuit for motor sports or intensify its
frequency will be refused. Only development ancillary to its existing use will
be permitted.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy works towards the Objective of protecting the countryside from development. No Objectives are adversely affected.
To the north of Sandwich, the Ramsgate Road area is important both for industry
and as a gateway to the District. It is, however, in need of environmental
improvement. Many sites and buildings are derelict and, as a whole, the area
does not sit easily with the historic town of Sandwich. In addition to
environmental improvements, there are several site specific land use issues
which need to be addressed. This area is very important in environmental terms
as it forms part of the setting for Sandwich and Richborough Castle, and is
adjacent to areas of national and international importance for nature
conservation. It is also rich in archaeological remains.
The Kent Waste Local Plan includes the provision of a waste-to-energy plant and
a waste recycling facility on land at and to the south of Richborough Power
Station. Policy CA4 of the Construction Aggregates section of the Kent Minerals
Local Plan identifies Port Richborough as a suitable location for a depot/wharf
for the importation of aggregates. Policy LE16 of this Plan considers the
potential for freight use of Port Richborough. Some landscape improvements to
the area have already been carried out by Pfizer Ltd. The Council wishes to
encourage the upgrading of the whole area. In considering proposals for
development, a high standard of design and landscaping will be required. Funding
may also be available through English Partnerships, SEEDA or the Countryside
Agency. The Council will encourage a programme of environmental improvements for
the Ramsgate Road area. The Council will also seek, through negotiation on
planning applications, to implement a riverside walk.
From Sandwich town to the A256, some environmental improvements have already
taken place at the Pfizer works. With Pfizer acquiring and redeveloping the
Richborough Business Park (RBP), it is anticipated that the general improvement
to the western side of Ramsgate Road will continue.
Of particular importance is the need to screen views of RBP from Sandwich. In
the interests of the setting of Sandwich and the need to retain views into the
town from the north, however, screening should be located along the southern
boundary of RBP, with the road verges south into Sandwich kept free from further
planting. Land between Ramsgate Road and the A256 has been allocated for the
expansion of Pfizer. It is expected that any new development here can be catered
for in an environmentally sensitive manner (see Policy LE9).
On the eastern side of Ramsgate Road, the redevelopment of the Sandwich
Industrial Estate should bring about further environmental improvements (see
Policy AS15), whilst Policy OS8 deals with Stonar lake. To the north of Stonar
Lake, further improvements are considered desirable. However, in many places,
the land within the highway boundary is very narrow and planting will need to be
carried out within site boundaries.
Along the A256 to the north of Pfizer, considerable improvements are needed and several land use issues arise.
Pfizer Ltd have constructed an effluent treatment plant to the east of the
roundabout on the A256. This includes significant landscaping, which has
improved the general environment of this site. North of this, there is a need
for environmental improvements and the Council will seek to implement such a
scheme. Where this can not be done along the highway, the Council will encourage
existing users to undertake planting on land within their ownership. When sites
are redeveloped, the Council will require any scheme to incorporate a
significant element of landscaping. Of particular importance is the height of
buildings. The landscape in this area is open and buildings can be seen from a
considerable distance. The Council will also require a detailed survey of
development sites to establish whether contaminants are present and, where they
occur, take measures to ensure that they pose no threat to human health or the
adjacent nature conservation sites.
It is planned to upgrade the A256 from Pfizer northwards to the Lord of the
Manor roundabout in Thanet. This will offer an opportunity to implement an
environmental improvement scheme.
The whole area is at risk from predominantly tidal flooding and development
likely to reduce flood storage will not be permitted. The Environment Agency is
concerned about landraising in the policy area. Consequently, should landscaping
proposals include land raising the Council will consult the Environment Agency.
In addition to this general guidance, there is a need for specific consideration
of some sites within this area.