A key task of the Plan is to strengthen and diversify the local economy. This arises from the challenges brought about by declining agricultural employment, the closure of the East Kent Coalfield, and the impact of the Single European Market (SEM) on customs clearance companies and H.M. Customs, and of the Channel Tunnel on the Port of Dover, which has left the local economy in a weakened position. In addressing these issues, PPG4 states that economic growth and a high quality environment must be pursued together. Therefore, developing the economy in a way which is compatible with the environment will be important in moving towards sustainable development over the Plan Period.
Although jobs are created by a range of economic activities, this chapter deals
with development for industrial, warehouse and office uses, rural areas and
tourism. Unless otherwise stated, the terms employment, employment use(s),
employment sites and employment land refer to the use of land or buildings for
industry, warehousing or offices - Use Classes B1/B2/B8 (for definitions see
Existing Situation
The current major employment locations in Dover are the port and White Cliffs Business Park. Various industrial estates to the north of Sandwich also provide a significant number of jobs. This has led to major imbalances between the location of jobs and the workforce. Figure 3.1 estimates the numbers of jobs compared to the numbers of economically active residents. Dover and Sandwich have an excess of jobs over workforce. There is an imbalance at Deal where out-commuting, which puts pressure on the A258, is a major concern.
Figure 3.1: Balance of Jobs to Workforce Location No. of Jobs Numbers economically active Jobs imbalance Dover 21,300 17,100 +4,200 Deal 4,400 10,700 -6,200 Sandwich 4,500 1,700 +2,800 Rest of rural area 6,100 12,300 -6,200 District 36,400 41,800 -5,400 Source: Employment Department Census of Employment 1993 MAFF Agricultural Census Data 1993 OPCS Census of Population 1991 Numbers may not add due to rounding
Figure 3.1 : Balance of Jobs to Workforce |
Location |
No. of Jobs | Numbers economically active |
Jobs Imbalance |
Dover |
21,300 |
17,100 |
+4,200 |
Deal | 4,400 |
10,700 |
-6,200 |
Sandwich |
4,500 |
1,700 |
+2,800 |
Rest of rural area |
6,100 |
12,300 |
-6,200 |
District |
36,400 |
41,800 |
-5,400 |
Source: Employment Department Census of Employment 1993
MAFF Agricultural Census Data 1993
OPCS Census of Population 1991
Numbers may not add due to rounding
In recent years, the closure of the East Kent Coalfield and the on-going rationalisation in port and port-related employment have had major impacts on the local economy. It is predicted that some 8,900 jobs may eventually be lost in East Kent as a result of the Channel Tunnel and SEM1. A substantial number of these job losses have already taken place. The 1993 Census of Employment shows the numbers of jobs in Town and Pier Ward, which includes the Western Docks, has fallen from 15,000 in 1991 to 9,000 in 1993. Over the same period, jobs within the District have declined from 43,400 jobs to 36,400. With retraining, the labour pool in the District represents a valuable resource.
Jobs lost in coal mining and port/port-related employment are reflected in the relatively high unemployment figures for the District. In July 2001, 3.0% of the resident workforce were registered as unemployed, compared with the Kent average of 2.4%, 3.1% in the South East and 3.9% for Great Britain2. Although unemployment in the District has fallen from a peak of 11.9% (both January 1993 and January 1994), it remains a major concern. Figure 3.2 shows the ward unemployment rates as at July 2001. The worst affected areas are the urban wards of Dover, with the highest rate being experienced by Castle. Outside Dover the worst affected wards are Aylesham, Capel-le-Ferne, Mongeham, North Deal, Lower Walmer.
Source: Kent County Council
The District has experienced the effects of changes in defence expenditure through the closure of the Old Park Barracks and the Royal Marines School of Music (RMSM) at Deal. This not only affects jobs in the District, but also creates uncertainty for the future of some very large sites. Other military establishments remain in the area, but their future may come under review. The District's economy has also been adversely affected by the decline in traditional tourism.
The ability of the District to respond to these circumstances is not helped by the local economy's reliance on certain sectors (see Figure 3.3). Compared to Kent and Great Britain the District's industrial structure has:-
- a higher proportion than the national and county average employed in agriculture;
- a very low proportion employed in manufacturing;
- a very high proportion employed in transport; and
- a low proportion in banking/financial services.

Source: OPCS Census of Population 1991 Note: Coal Mining is included within Industry Sector "Energy/water"
On the positive side, the District contains Pfizer Limited, an international pharmaceutical company which employs around 3,800 people and exports 80% of its products. The District's position close to the Continent effectively makes Europe a local market offering a significant advantage to exporters. In addition, the District's strong historical identity and high quality natural environment attracted 755,000 visitors to the area in 1993, supporting 6,000 jobs and contributing an estimated £40 million to the local economy.
As a result of the 'Kent Impact Study 1991 Review', the former East Kent Initiative (EKI) was set up to co-ordinate the economic development efforts of local authorities, other public sector bodies and the private sector. Through EKI, the Council has been very active in trying to tackle the underlying problems by promoting tourism and bringing forward inward investment. In addition, it has successfully pressed for national recognition of the District's economic problems. In July 1993, the District was granted Intermediate Area Status and, from April 1994, most of the rural area became part of the East Kent Rural Development Area.
Economic Development Strategy
The Council's Economic Development Unit produces an Economic Development
Strategy annually. This sets out the activities that the Council will carry out
to promote economic development in the District. The main elements of the
strategy include action for enterprise support, marketing of the District,
tourism initiatives, training, and providing information on available sites and
The need for training schemes throughout the economy is increasingly important. With high unemployment and job shortages, those without training or qualifications will find difficulty in obtaining employment. Additionally, the longer people are unemployed the harder it becomes to obtain work. Training therefore will play a very important role as a result of:-
- shortages of staff with the right skills;
- the needs of modern industries; and
- a decline in the numbers of 16 -19 year olds entering the workforce.
The Council supports training initiatives through funding of the Kent TEC.
Applying the Plan's Aims and Objectives
One of the Plan's aims (Aim 2) is to help build a strong local economy. Its related Objectives (Objectives 16-21) are concerned with ensuring that sufficient employment land is allocated, allocated sites are attractive to prospective investors, employment sites are protected from other development and the range of employment opportunities widened. Aim 1 is also important in that, for example, priority will be given to directing investment to urban areas (Objective 10), new development must meet sustainable locational criteria (Objective 13) and freight should be transported by rail and water (Objective 15). In relation to Aim 3, it is important that employment sites and tourist facilities are accessible to all (Objective 22). It is important that new employment sites are not detrimental to amenity and that a high quality of design is achieved to attract new companies (Objective 23).
Local Economy Strategy
Based on the existing situation and the Aims and Objectives, the Plan's Local Economy Strategy seeks to:-
- support development which safeguards, and where possible contributes to, the environment;
- provide sufficient land, of the right quality, to meet the needs of industry and the District's workforce;
- achieve a better relationship between the location of jobs and where people live;
- support existing businesses as well as attract new ones;
- assist in the economic diversification of rural areas;
- promote green tourism;
- optimise economic and employment benefits from tourism, including new initiatives;
- promote Dover, Deal and Sandwich as locations for major tourist facilities; and
- improve access to tourist facilities.
Old Park Barracks
The closure of the Barracks provides an opportunity to re-use formerly developed
land for employment uses. The site is close to the primary road network,
accessible to cyclists and pedestrians, can easily be accessed by buses
currently serving the WCBP. It is also already serviced by gas, electricity and
telecommunications. A Planning Brief has been approved for this site which forms
supplementary planning guidance to Policy AS8. The allocated area and floorspace
estimates are based upon the planning permission granted in March 1996. The
Council would be prepared to allow an element of tourism uses within the
employment allocation in line with the detailed policy requirements for the site
set out in Chapter 15.
Former Channel Tunnel Workers Site, Farthingloe
The former Channel Tunnel Workers' Site at Farthingloe identified in the Dover and Western Parishes Local Plan, has been deleted as an allocation. This site, in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), was allocated as a special case to meet a short term deficit in employment land because of a lack of alternative sites.
PPG7 states that it would normally be inconsistent with the aims of designation to permit the siting of major commercial development in the AONB. Only proven national interest and lack of alternatives can justify an exception. Clearly Farthingloe does not represent a case of national need. Should the site not be developed within the time limit of the current permission the short term need for the site will have been surpassed with the construction of the grade-separated interchange on the A2 giving access to WCBP. In addition, provision for employment land can now be met at the Old Park Barracks, which has become surplus to Ministry of Defence requirements and is not in the SLA or AONB. This site can meet the need for a business park for which Farthingloe previously catered. Demand for offices can also be met in the redevelopment of the Dover Western Docks. Therefore, there is no longer a proven lack of alternatives and, to meet with sustainable criteria of re-using urban land and protecting important landscapes, the Farthingloe site has been deleted and if not substantially developed under the current permission should be restored to its former condition as part of the countryside within the AONB.
Structure Plan Policy S1 seeks to achieve a sustainable pattern of development
which reduces the need to travel, whilst EK3 identifies the amelioration of
economic problems of Deal as a priority. Therefore, in order to start addressing
the imbalance between jobs and resident workforce priority has been given to
identifying sites in Deal for employment use. A variety of small sites has been
chosen to lessen the impact on the road network, provide development on a scale
that can be compatible with residential amenity and to avoid large sites on the
edge of the town which would damage the landscape.
Royal Marines School of Music, North Barracks
The North Barracks has the potential to be accessible by a range of modes of transport and could make a significant contribution towards redressing the jobs imbalance. Constraints to the development of the site include a Napoleonic burial ground in the north west corner of the site, the presence of listed buildings along North Barrack Road and the Deal Bombing Garden of Remembrance. Owing to the variety of issues and uses within the site, a detailed policy for development is set out in Chapter 15.
Albert Road
This site lies to the west of Albert Road, there is residential development on
Matthews Road and Albert Road to the south and the commercial premises of
Hutchings Timber and the Builder Centre to the north, open countryside is to the
east of the site. Development will make an important contribution to the
achievement of the objective of securing additional employment opportunities in
Deal. It will also allow for the expansion of the neighbouring uses.
Access to the site is poor and before development can commence it will be necessary to agree a package of highway improvements on and off site. Based on previous proposals for development of this site it is anticipated that these will include:
- the provision of a signal controlled junction;
- the closure of the existing access to the Timber Yard and Builder Centre;
- adjustments to the junction layout at Albert Road and Middle Deal Road;
- traffic calming measures in Middle Deal Road;
- creation of a new priority junction at Albert Road/London Road together with the widening of both Albert Road and London Road and the improvement of pedestrian facilities; and
- new pedestrian refuges in London Road.
In addition, the infrastructure works require land which is outside the ownership of the landowner, in particular that under the control of Railtrack, Kent County Council and Builder Centre. There would, however, be overall benefits from the creation of a new central access to serve all the existing uses and the release of the land for employment development could provide the catalyst for this desirable improvement.
The residential properties on Matthews Close and Albert Road are close to the site. To ensure that their residential amenity is maintained, it will be necessary to restrict the hours of operation of the uses on the site. It will also be necessary for adequate structural landscaping to be provided on the boundary of the site to act as an effective screen to the residential properties.
Policy LE5 –
Planning permission for the development of land at Albert Road, Deal for Use Classes B1 and B2, and for the extension of the adjacent Builder Centre and Timber Yard only will be permitted provided:
- a full Traffic Impact Assessment is undertaken to determine the scale of the off-site highway improvements required;
- the closure of the northern access with suitable arrangements made for track side access by Railtrack;
- hours of operation will be restricted to protect neighbouring residential amenity;
- existing boundary vegetation will be retained and enhanced.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy works towards the Objectives of concentrating development at the urban areas and reducing the need to travel. The site is well-related in terms of moving freight by rail, however, given the scale of the allocation the scope for moving freight by this mode would be limited.
Ramsgate Road, Sandwich
Sandwich has developed as an important location for industry with the Great
Stonar, Ramsgate Road and Port Richborough industrial areas. Several sites are
available for employment, notably at Great Stonar. One plot on Ramsgate Road,
allocated in the Sandwich Informal Local Plan for Conservation, needs to be
carried forward in this Plan. Development of this site will need to conform with
Policy AS14 (Chapter 15) and the design policies in Chapter 8. Sandwich
Industrial Estate (Policy AS15) is considered in Chapter 15. The only new
provision is for the continued expansion of Pfizer.
Pike Road, Eythorne
Two vacant plots within Pike Road Industrial Estate have been incorporated into
this Plan. The existing estate includes B1/B2/B8 uses. Other than allocating the
sites no specific guidance is warranted.
Land adjacent to the Tilmanstone Brick factory is allocated for B2 development.
The land currently forms part of the spoil tip for the former Tilmanstone
Colliery and has permission for the extraction of minestone for brick making. As
part of this permission substantial landscaping works have been approved,
including the final restoration as woodland. Developing this site would require
the spoil to be moved and additional landscaping. In addition, any new buildings
must not exceed the height of the existing brickworks to the east. Bringing the
site back into industrial use would accord with the aim of re-using derelict
land. Should road improvements prove necessary, the developer will be required
to contribute towards the cost.
Policy LE10 –
Permission will be granted at Tilmanstone Spoil Tip (North), for development within Use Class B2 provided:
- any new buildings do not exceed the height of the existing brickworks to the east;
- an earth bund and dense native planting is provided along the western boundary of the allocation, excepting for an access to the spoil material;
- a survey and evaluation is carried out to determine the extent of any contamination and remedial measures proposed to ensure development of the site does not pose a risk to human health or damage natural resources;
- the developer contributes towards the cost of any off-site infrastructure improvements arising; and
- provision is made for access to the site by cyclists and pedestrians.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy works toward the Objectives of enhancing and managing habitats and landscaping, reducing pollution, enabling renewable energy generation, recycling of redundant resources, reducing the need to travel and providing for alternatives to the car. The policy works against the Objectives of concentrating investment at the urban areas, and locating development so as to enable the movement of freight by rail or water.
Businesses in Residential Areas, Home-Based Working and Telecottages
Many small firms require lower cost premises which cannot be provided within
purpose-built units. They, therefore, often occupy converted premises in
residential areas. Sometimes this can cause conflict. Although the Council is
anxious to support businesses and encourage mixed uses, it also wishes to
protect the character and amenity of residential areas.
PPG13 supports home-working and provision of facilities for small groups of employees to work together locally. New technology and an increasing number of small businesses make working from home a more realistic option for many people. Working from home reduces the need to travel, can reduce the demand for resources as buildings may be multi-use, and increases activity during the day so deterring crime.
Home-working does not always require planning permission if the use does not change the overall character of the property from residential. Additionally, small-scale workshops/offices in a separate building within a curtilage can also provide for home-based working. People considering working from home should seek the advice of the Council as to whether planning permission is required. Any proposals must not be detrimental to residential amenity or traffic considerations. The Council, in conjunction with English Partnerships and the developer, have commissioned a study into a home-work complex at the Former Royal Marines School of Music, South Barracks.
Similarly telecottages can reduce the need to travel, provide employment premises for many people and companies, especially those who work part-time and do not wish to take up a lease on a whole building. Buildings in rural areas could be converted to such a use without harming residential amenity or causing traffic problems. Alternatively, new buidlings could be provided.
Proposals for business in residential areas, home-based working and telecottages
will be judged against the Plan's general policies on amenity and traffic. Where
appropriate conditions or legal agreements will be used to control matters such
as noise levels, working hours, the nature of the use and changes of occupier.
Land at Town Yard, Dover
Following the opening of the Channel Tunnel, train ferries no longer operate at
the Western Docks. Policy P5 of the Kent Structure Plan provides the strategic
context for the growth of port trade at Dover and for diversification of uses.
Policy CA4 of the Construction Aggregates section of the Kent Minerals Local
Plan provides for the use of the Western Docks for an aggregate wharf/depot.
Land at Town Yard, currently occupied by rail sidings, offers the opportunity to
develop a freight-rail interchange at the Western Docks.
The 'Rail Freight Access to Kent Ports' report by MDS Transmodal examined the prospects for future rail business to Kent ports, including Dover. The report sets out the potential for rail traffic to Dover and the environmental and commercial case for a switch to rail. With worsening road congestion and a shift in Government policy to rail travel it is essential that Dover maintains a rail link for future freight traffic. Land at Town Yard is ideally placed to offer the opportunity for a freight railhead. Consequently, land at Town Yard is safeguarded for future use as a freight interchange and port-related business including a rail corridor within the docks.
Policy LE15 –
Land at Town Yard including a rail corridor to the Docks, shown on Sheet 6 of
the Proposals Map, is safeguarded for future use as a freight interchange and
other port-related business.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy works towards the Objectives of reducing pollution, recycling redundant resources, concentrating investment in the urban areas, and enabling the movement of freight by rail or water. No Objectives are adversely affected.
The District's rural area covers everywhere outside the urban boundaries of Dover and Deal. It includes the industrial areas to the north of Sandwich, some smaller industrial estates, agriculture, tourism uses and, in the past, the coalfield. The closure of the coalfield and decline in agricultural employment has led to the awarding of Rural Development Area status and funding of economic development initiatives in 13 wards and for part of Mongeham ward.
The rural area is undergoing structural economic changes. These changes mean
there is a need to diversify the types of employment activity in rural areas
(rural diversification) and the need for farmers to diversify into non-farming
activities which supplement their farm incomes and maintain agriculture as the
main land use (farm diversification). These are two distinct strands of rural
Tourism plays an important role in the local economy, providing an estimated 6,000 jobs. The Council promotes the District through the 'White Cliffs Country' campaign, which emphasises its famous coastline and rich heritage. Low key countryside tourism is also promoted through the White Cliffs Countryside Project.
The Council is particularly keen to encourage green tourism which:-
- contributes to the environment;
- promotes an understanding of the environment;
- adopts visitor management techniques which mitigate the impact on the environment;
- by its very nature, safeguards the environment; and
- creates jobs.
The Council has been active in promoting green tourism through the White Cliffs Countryside Project (WCCP). The WCCP is a partnership among various public and private sector bodies, and is aimed at protecting and caring for the cliffs and countryside in Dover and Shepway Districts, and making them accessible to everyone. The WCCP demonstrates the standards that can be achieved through green tourism and has been nominated for national tourism awards.
Tourist Facilities
The major visitor attraction in the District is Dover Castle, which was visited
by 310,000 people in 2000/2001. Attractions in the town include the Drop
Redoubt, Western Heights, the Grand Shaft, Dover Museum, Maison Dieu, Old Town
Gaol, the Roman Painted House, De Bradelei Wharf factory shopping centre and
Crabble Corn Mill.
With the opening of the Channel Tunnel and changes in port business, the Western
Docks has become available for redevelopment. This provides an opportunity for a
variety of tourism uses to make a positive contribution to the regeneration of
not only Dover, but the whole District. This has begun with conversion of part
of the Western Docks Railway Station to a cruise terminal and the opening of the
De Bradelei Wharf factory shopping centre in Cambridge Road. The recent
construction and opening of a second cruise terminal has continued this theme.
Proposals for water-based recreation, which could help revitalise the town, are
considered in Chapter 12. Elsewhere in Dover, development based on the area's
heritage and high environmental quality would fit well with the emphasis on
green tourism.
Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle
English Heritage is seeking to improve the environment within and the visitor attractions at Dover Castle. In order to achieve this it wishes to convert the Officers' Mess to provide additional facilities which may include catering, display areas and conference facilities. To improve the environment of the Scheduled Ancient Monument, it is intended to relocate the existing car park outside the Castle walls to Broadlees Bottom. This will enable the existing car park to be restored to its original state. This may also provide the opportunity to provide an outdoor activities and display area.
The site at Broadlees Bottom is within the AONB and adjacent to a Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI), whilst the Castle itself is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. PPG7 states that development in the AONB should favour the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape. Policy HE5 prevents development which would adversely affect the setting of Scheduled Ancient Monuments. Accordingly, car parking will only be allowed if the design is of the highest standard and represents an overall improvement to the area. The scheme will be beneficial in removing the Tank Workshop and providing improvements by replacing existing sycamore trees with the planting of native broadleaved woodland. A comprehensive management agreement will be needed covering, as appropriate, the regeneration of chalk grassland and the planting of native broadleaved woodland for screening. If landscaping is not of the highest standard planning permission will be refused. The Proposals Map also shows land safeguarded for road improvements related to the development. This will require junction improvements with the A258 and improvements to Guston Road. Relocating the car park would have the additional benefits of providing a spectacular entrance to the Castle through the Fitzwilliam Gate and also make the Bleriot Memorial more accessible. No other form of development would be acceptable at this site.
Policy LE24 –
Planning permission for the relocation of Dover Castle car park to the site shown on the Dover Inset and Sheet 6 of the Proposals Map will only be granted if:-
- it is part of an overall scheme to improve the environment within Dover Castle, to facilitate visitor access to the Castle and accommodate increased visitor numbers;
- parking is restricted to approximately two hundred car and twenty coach spaces;
- provision is made for pedestrian and cycle access to the Castle, via Castle Gate Road;
- the developer funds infrastructure works, on the land safeguarded on the Proposals Map, for improvements at the junction of the A258 and along Guston Road; and
- it represents a positive benefit for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Planning permission will be subject to a management agreement covering the regeneration of chalk grassland with native broadleaved woodland screening.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy supports the Objectives of managing and enhancing habitats, species and landscapes, recycling redundant resources, protecting the historic environment, and providing alternatives to the motor car. The policy works against the Objective of protecting the countryside.
Deal and Walmer Castles are the main attractions. Others include the Timeball
Tower, Maritime Museum, the Pier and Promenade. Deal is also popular for sea
angling and sailing. It is the venue for the National Sea Angling Championship
and in 1997 hosted the World Championship
The town would benefit from the provision of further visitor accommodation.
However, there are no current permissions for hotel development in the area.
Despite its great historic interest, Sandwich is under-developed as a tourism
asset. For example, 95% of visitors stay less than one day and expenditure is
therefore low. However, any future tourism development must be sensitive to the
town's special environment or it could destroy the very features that make it of
interest. A careful, managed approach is therefore essential.
In 1992, the District Council, among others, commissioned a study3 of the town's future. The study suggested that issues which needed to be addressed include:-
- environmental improvements to the town centre, the riverside and the industrial areas to the north;
- the need for a visitor centre, possibly at Guestling Mill;
- the need for indoor tourism facilities, including the possible conversion of St. Mary's Church to an exhibition centre; and
- more eating establishments.
Tourist Accommodation
Serviced Accommodation
Serviced accommodation includes hotels, guest houses, and bed and breakfast. Motels provide primarily for transit traffic and are therefore considered under roadside services in Chapter 4. Guest houses are an important source of visitor accommodation in the District. Proposals to upgrade the quality of guest houses will be encouraged. In its brochures and Tourist Information Centres the Council promotes those establishments conforming to the English Tourist Board's Crown, RAC and AA classification schemes. The District could benefit from more good quality serviced accommodation.
At December 2001 there were no outstanding permissions for hotel accommodation in Deal. Policy LE20 supports the principle of converting rural buildings to visitor accommodation and LE29 the principle of new accommodation.
In order to capitalise on the tourism potential of Sandwich, visitor accommodation is needed to encourage day visitors to stay longer and attract others to the area. However, additional accommodation is likely to be needed across the market range. Policy LE20 supports the principle of converting rural buildings to visitor accommodation and LE29 the principle of new accommodation in Sandwich.
Self Catering Accommodation
Self catering accommodation makes a significant contribution to the stock of
holiday premises. It takes the form of cottages for rent, second/holiday homes,
apartments, converted farm buildings, camping, caravan and chalet sites.
Proposals for the re-use of rural buildings for holiday accommodation are
considered by Policy LE20. In flood risk areas, occupation will be restricted by
Policy WE8.
Camping and Caravans
Large volumes of passenger traffic travelling to and from Dover mean pressure
can arise for sites for touring caravans. With minor exceptions, caravan sites
require planning permission and a site licence. Use of land for camping enjoys
permitted development rights for up to 28 days under certain circumstances and
does not require a site licence (see Annex B, PPG21). Static caravan sites are
very intrusive in visual terms. Because of the high quality of the countryside,
the Council will only permit new sites or major extensions in exceptional
Structure Plan Policy TO3 states that proposals for touring caravans should be well related to the primary transport network and either the ports or major visitor attractions. However, much of the countryside in the District is covered by landscape and nature conservation designations of national importance. In addition to its intrinsic value, the countryside is a visitor resource which needs very careful management. Camping and touring caravan sites can be particularly intrusive features in the landscape and great care is needed in their siting and landscaping. Should such sites be proposed in flood risk areas, their occupation will be restricted by conditions (see Policy WE8).
Policy LE30 –
New or major extensions to camping, static or touring caravan sites will only be permitted if:-
- they are well-related to the primary transport network;
- they are not located in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or on the Heritage or undeveloped coast; and
- they include an appropriate comprehensive landscaping scheme.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy supports the Objectives of protecting the countryside, enhancing habitats and minimising the need to travel. No Objectives are adversely affected.
Static Caravans and Holiday Chalets
Structure Plan Policy TO4 provides for the up-grading of static caravan and holiday chalets. The Council will generally encourage the conversion of static caravan sites to holiday chalets where schemes would involve a significant improvement in the appearance of the site through new landscaping and other visual improvements, and in its effect on the landscape.
Policy LE31 –
Holiday chalet sites will only be permitted where it is for the conversion of static caravan to holiday chalets and would bring about a significant improvement in terms of:-
- the impact of the site on the landscape; and
- the appearance of the site and facilities offered.
Environmental Appraisal
The policy supports the Objectives of protecting the countryside, enhancing habitats and recycling resources. The policy does, however, allow for investment away from the urban areas.
1Kent Impact Study 1991 Review2Unemployment Change in Kent: July 2001, Kent County Council (figures are not seasonally adjusted)
3Sandwich looks forward: a strategic plan for the 21st century, URBED 1992