



The Structure Plan (1990) identified Aylesham, subject to investigation through the local plan process, as strategically suitable for the release of fresh land for about 1000 dwellings. This provision was made to help meet Canterbury District's housing needs which could not be met at the City itself, due to environmental and infrastructure constraints, and to attract new investment to the former East Kent Coalfield. Policies EK3 and H1 of the Structure Plan (1996) confirm this provision. The Council agreed to help meet Canterbury's housing land requirement in this way because of the benefits this investment would bring to the village. In particular, there would be new associated employment opportunities, infrastructure, and social and community facilities.


The expansion of Aylesham was proposed before sustainable development became an issue, though it has subsequently been carried forward in the Structure Plan 1996. While the proposal has drawbacks, in particular, the generation of private travel and the loss of countryside which is also best and most versatile agricultural land, these are outweighed by other factors. Aylesham is close to Canterbury and is served by a railway station on the Dover-Canterbury-London route and a bus service. Development elsewhere on this scale would also have resulted in the loss of countryside but without the potential to be so well served by public transport. The environmental quality of the village and the range of its facilities, although improving, are in need of enhancement. The proposed development would provide the opportunity to achieve this. Since the Structure Plan period runs to 2011, and in view of the fact that development had not commenced at the expected date, Policy AY1 provides for an initial development of up to 500 dwellings during the Local Plan period to 2006. Development will continue beyond this to be completed by the end of the Structure Plan period. In order to ensure certainty and a comprehensive approach the Local Plan allocates land for the entire development.


The expansion of Aylesham is the largest single residential development proposal in the District. Consultants were appointed to ensure that the proposal, as envisaged by the Council, would be financially viable1,2,3.


The importance of this expansion means that it has been given a separate chapter in the Plan. Its housing land provisions are not included in the general provision made in Chapter 10. This chapter supplements other policies in the Plan. The Plan will supersede the Approved Planning Brief, which was the subject of a separate consultation exercise in early 1991.

Existing Situation


Aylesham was developed as a planned settlement to serve the emerging East Kent Coalfield. According to Sir Patrick Abercrombie's plan of 1928, Aylesham was to be a small town of about 15,000 residents with a range of commercial and civic buildings. However, mainly due to the recession in the 1930s, his grand scheme was abandoned after only 500 dwellings were built.


Since then the village has expanded, though largely not in keeping with the original layout. According to the 1991 Census, Aylesham Ward (which is dominated by Aylesham) now has 1,536 dwellings and a population of 4,044. Its residents display a strong sense of identity, typical of tightly-knit mining communities. However, the Coalfield closed in 1989, creating both an economic and social loss. Although Aylesham Industrial Estate continues to thrive, unemployment in the ward is among the highest in the District (11.4% in March 1996, compared to 8.6% for the District). This development will create new jobs to help meet the needs of the expanded community. The closure of Aylesham High School, in 1991, resulted in the loss of another important focus for the community. The potential of the former school as a new community facility, including workshops is currently being developed.


Although many facilities, such as clubs and playing fields, exist, new investment is needed to improve overall quality and range. General environmental improvements are also needed in the village and neighbouring industrial estate. The expansion of Aylesham is seen as the main opportunity for addressing its current circumstances.


Aylesham is surrounded by attractive countryside, close to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Special Landscape Area. In proposing the expansion of Aylesham in the Structure Plan (1990), it was accepted that the development would inevitably involve major countryside protection policies being put aside. After careful investigation by the Council, land to the north of Aylesham has been identified as this is considered to cause least overall harm and yield the greatest benefit. Given the environmental constraints and other disadvantages of the alternatives, the Council considers that land to the north of Aylesham is the only acceptable option.


The development area (DA) is shown on the Proposals Map. It amounts to some 38.3 Ha. (94.5 acres) and is well contained by a mature hedgerow (known as the ancient hedgeline), the railway line and the existing settlement. Most of the DA is Grade 1 and 2 agricultural land, and is currently in agricultural or horticultural use. The remaining land is either scrub, former school playing fields, or used for sport and children's play. The DA is also rich in archaeological remains and lies in Zone 1 and Zone 2 aquifer protection areas.

Applying the Plan's Aims and Objectives


In relation to Aim 1, it is accepted that the expansion will involve the loss of countryside (contrary to Objectives 1 and 7) and is generally contrary to Objective 10, which gives priority to directing investment to the urban areas. Within these recognised limitations, the expanded village should comply with other sustainable objectives, especially Objectives 12 and 14.


Aim 3, Objectives 22 and 23 should be met by the proposals in order to make the expanded village as accessible as possible and to ensure a quality built environment.

Aylesham Strategy


Based on the commitment to expand Aylesham and the Aims and Objectives, the Plan's strategy must be to ensure that the enlarged village will meet the strategic housing requirement and, as far as is possible:-

  1. create a balanced settlement;
  2. make walking, cycling and public transport attractive alternatives to the car;
  3. meet the accessibility needs of all; and
  4. bring forward village improvements.

Scale of Development


The Structure Plan identifies a requirement for about 1,000 dwellings. This scale of development has major implications for other land uses, such as community facilities and open space, if a balanced settlement is to be achieved. In addition, to make the settlement as sustainable as possible, it is necessary to provide additional job opportunities. Figure 14.1 summarises how much land is needed for the expansion of Aylesham.

Figure 14.1: Land Use Budget
Land Use
Existing Ha
Total Ha
Employment   4.3
Other Community Facilities
Formal Playing Fields

Land Ownership and the Village Developer


The Council owns about 81% of land in the DA. The Council considers that a partnership agreement based on a master plan (see para. 14.16) will best achieve the expansion of Aylesham. The master plan will be implemented through a village developer who will install basic infrastructure and sell serviced parcels of land to individual property developers. At this stage, it is not possible to provide a detailed phasing scheme. However, the Council will ensure that employment opportunities are provided in conjunction with housing.

Master Plan Approach


Given the scale of development, the expansion of Aylesham will need to be planned and developed in a comprehensive and co-ordinated way. Therefore, the Council will expect the developer to prepare a master plan to explain and illustrate the overall development, including off-site works, and to form the context for the submission of planning applications. The master plan should be submitted with an outline application for the comprehensive development of the DA. The subsequent detailed design of the constituent parts of the DA should be in conformity with the master plan. The master plan should be based on the principles set out in Kent Design and either include, or be accompanied by, a design statement to establish the parameters for the layout and design of development in the DA.


ubsequent detailed applications for the development of individual parcels of land must cover the following:-

  1. its relationship to the master plan;
  2. any special site features, highlighting opportunities and problems that arise, and proposing solutions;
  3. infrastructure considerations, including environmental and other implications of improvements to roads in Canterbury District;
  4. access and parking requirements;
  5. landscape, nature conservation, water environment, environmental resources and archaeological implications;
  6. details of public open space provision;
  7. in the case of housing, development mix and housing density, as well as details of doorstep play; and
  8. community benefit arrangements (see paragraph 14.17).

Policy AY1 –

Land in the development area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, is allocated for the strategic expansion of Aylesham comprising:-

  1. up to 1000 dwellings, no more than 500 of which are to be phased during the Local Plan period, petrol filling station, formal playing fields and associated children=s play - 31.5 hectares;
  2. employment land - 4.3 hectares;
  3. primary school - 2 hectares; and
  4. food retail - 0.5 hectares.

Environmental Appraisal

Although the policy supports the Objective of maintaining and enhancing basic services in rural areas, it works against the Objectives of protecting the countryside, reducing pollution, recycling redundant resources, concentrating investment in urban areas, and limiting development in rural settlements while it works against the Objective to minimise the need to travel, it does promote the use of public transport, walking and cycling.

Community Benefit


Development of this scale will require major improvements in physical and village infrastructure, collectively known as community benefit. Physical infrastructure includes matters such as road improvements, new drainage and power supply (see paragraphs 14.35-47). Village infrastructure refers to matters which are considered important to the future well-being of the expanded Aylesham and include, for example, public open space, affordable housing, the funding of a community development officer and environmental improvements (see especially paragraphs 14.27-34). The Council will not grant permission for development unless it is confident that these matters will be adequately addressed, including through the use of conditions and legal agreements.


It is very important that the existing community benefits from the development. This can be achieved through the provision of new community facilities and environmental improvements throughout the settlement in accordance with the advice in Circular 1/97, Structure Plan Policy S9 and Policy CF3 of this Local Plan. Not only would residents benefit from such measures, but these improvements are also essential for projecting Aylesham as a pleasant place in which to live and work. Therefore, environmental enhancements which are directly related to the development will be sought from the developer. In addition, the Council will use its position as landowner to ensure that other desirable schemes will be funded from the proceeds of the development.

Policy AY2 –

An outline proposal for the strategic expansion of Aylesham should cover the whole development area and be accompanied by and based on a master plan. The Council will not permit proposals in the development area until it is confident that the following features of the development will be secured at appropriate stages of development to which they relate:-

  1. on and off-site physical infrastructure;
  2. affordable housing;
  3. sports hall, additional primary school provision and health centre;
  4. open space;
  5. pedestrian and cycle routes and the dedication of public rights of way;
  6. the protection of archaeological remains in accordance with policies HE6 and HE7;
  7. landscaping, the provision of new native woodland and nature conservation;
  8. contributing to environmental works within the existing settlement of Aylesham where directly related to the development; and
  9. the appointment of a community development officer for a minimum of three years.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of protecting and enhancing open space, protecting and enhancing basic services in rural areas, protecting the historic environment and providing alternatives to the car. However, it works against the Objectives of protecting the countryside, reducing pollution, concentrating investment in urban areas, limiting development in rural settlements and reducing the need to travel.


In addition to Policies AY1 and AY2, outline applications will be subject to other matters of principle. These are dealt with in the remaining paragraphs on a topic basis. Matters of detail will be subject to other policies of the Plan.




Structure Plan Policy H1 identifies a special allocation of about 1,000 dwellings at Aylesham to meet the needs of Canterbury District. It carries forward Structure Plan (1990) Policy HD3. This allocation is specific to Aylesham and does not allow for substitution elsewhere in the District.


Some 31.5 Ha (78 acres) have been allocated for housing. In accordance with the advice in PPG3, the land should be developed at a minimum net density of 30 dwellings per Ha (12 dwellings per acre). This is an average across the whole DA and within it there is scope for areas of higher and lower density. Policy AY1 allocates the land for up to 1000 dwellings of which no more than 500 are to be phased to be built during the Local Plan period to 2006. The exact number of dwellings which can be provided within the Plan period and beyond, will be determined by design issues but should not be substantially less than the strategic requirement. As an indication, an acceptable range would be 850 to 1000 dwellings. Overall an attractive living environment must be produced which is in keeping with the rural location. It is essential that the development knits with the existing village and creates a single enlarged community. The housing development will take several years to complete which should help community integration.


A range of housing will be provided to meet different needs within the housing market, address local housing issues and help widen the social structure of the community. At least 15% will be affordable housing


Proposals should embody the principles of Kent Design and, in particular:

  1. create a locally appropriate sense of place;
  2. promote walking, cycling and public transport;
  3. create a safe environment in terms of crime and traffic;
  4. incorporate variety and innovation in design, including energy efficiency features; and
  5. include adequate and appropriate open space as an integral feature.

Policy AY3 –

Proposals for residential development in the development area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, will be permitted provided:-

  1. the overall net density shall be at a minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare;
  2. at least 15 percent of all dwellings are for affordable housing;
  3. provision is made for children's play; and
  4. the development has variety in design, is energy efficient and avoids standard estate layouts.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of protecting and enhancing open space and encouraging more energy efficient development. However, it works against the Objectives of protecting the countryside, reducing pollution, recycling redundant resources, concentrating investment in urban areas, limiting growth in rural settlements and reducing the need to travel.



The playing fields at the former High School are allocated for B1 and B2 employment development. B8 uses will not be allowed because of their low employment densities and environmental implications. The site is adjacent to workshop units which have been developed at the former High School. The site consists of two levelled grassed areas, an existing coach depot and a small area of mature woodland towards the north west corner, totalling around 4.3 Ha. The coach depot would be suitable for B1 or B2 reuse, or redevelopment, should it ever cease operation or relocate. The site is open to views from the south and east; consequently the visual impact of any development must be minimised through careful siting, design use of external materials, and landscaping. The existing trees should be retained and substantial landscaping will be required on the south and east boundaries. The Council will also wish to be satisfied that traffic to and from the site will be directed to avoid residential areas. Controls may also be imposed over hours of work and noise generation to ensure that residential amenity is not harmed. Development for employment purposes of the lower playing field will only be needed if the redevelopment of the former Snowdown Colliery site, under Policy AS16, has not progressed. Before determining any planning application under Policy AY2, the District Council will assess progress on the redevelopment having regard to the resolution of land ownership issues, the granting of planning permission, and the commencements of works. Planning permission will only be granted if it is apparent that the Snowdown Colliery redevelopment will not be commenced within the Plan period.

Policy AY4 –

Proposals for employment development in the development area at the former High School playing fields, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, will be permitted provided:-

  1. the development is restricted to Use Classes B1 and B2;
  2. measures are included to ensure that commercial traffic does not enter residential areas in Aylesham and Ratling; and
  3. the visual impact of buildings is minimised through siting, design and landscaping measures.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of meeting local employment needs in rural settlements and of reducing the need to travel. However, it works against the Objectives of protecting open space, recycling redundant resources and concentrating investment in urban areas.



Existing food retail is limited in Aylesham and, consequently, there is considerable leakage of expenditure to Canterbury and Whitfield. The expansion of the village creates an opportunity to help redress this situation through enhancing the need for additional floorspace - in the order of 1500 to 2000 sq m. Such development also provides the opportunity to strengthen the existing centre at Market Place. Land is therefore allocated at Market Place totalling some 0.53 Ha. (1.3 acres) for a foodstore. This consists of two sites which are separated by Dorman Avenue North. It is anticipated that the smaller site would provide car parking. The allocation includes the existing Post Office. If this building was included into any proposals, the Council would wish to be satisfied that the facility would be satisfactorily relocated or incorporated into the development. Proposals will need to demonstrate that traffic flow and highway safety would not be harmed and that adequate parking and servicing arrangements can be provided.

Policy AY5 –

Planning permission will be granted for a foodstore on the land allocated at Market Place provided that the existing Post Office facility is retained.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of providing basic services in rural settlements, but works against that of protecting open space.

Petrol FIlling Station


Aylesham currently lacks a petrol filling station. However, the expansion of the village makes the provision of a filling station more economically viable and a site of 0.4 Ha. (1 acre) is consequently allocated for this at Dorman Avenue North, close to the B2046. While the site is readily accessible and well screened by a reservoir and the hedgeline adjacent to the B2046, the potential exists for any development to be visually intrusive in the landscape. It is therefore, vital that design measures are taken to ensure that visual impact is contained within the site and that it is screened from view from traffic passing on the B2046. These measures should consist of careful siting and detailing (a non-standard canopy would be needed), close attention to levels to ensure that the facility is set as low as possible, control over illumination to ensure that it does not spill beyond the site, and control over the siting of advertisements. Substantial landscaping will also be needed to separate the development from the adjacent allocation.

Policy AY6 –

A petrol filling station will be permitted on the land allocated within the Development Area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, provided it is designed in a way to contain its visual impact within the site.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of providing basic services in villages and of minimising the need for travel, but works against those of protecting the countryside and recycling redundant resources.



Open Space and Landscaping

An important feature of Aylesham is its generous open space provision, although its quality could be improved. The enlarged village should continue to be well provided for with an improvement in the quality of all open space. This will include turning open land between Market Place and Aylesham Station into a park. Part funding for the park may be available through sources such as the Single Regeneration Budget.


Within the DA, all existing woodland, hedges and other landscape features should be retained and enhanced. The Wildlife Habitat Survey notes that the DA includes an area of semi-improved chalk grassland. This should be kept as open space and managed as a wildlife area. Structural landscaping will be provided in the DA to screen development in the wider landscape. A landscaped amenity space is also required to create a spacious and visually attractive living and working environment. All structural landscaping will be carried out early and will be subject to archaeological policies of the Plan. Proposals for development will need to secure the long term management of all open space and landscaping.

Policy AY7 –

Proposals for the Development Area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, will not be permitted unless:-

  1. structural landscaping is provided on the eastern boundary with the railway line together with planting to strengthen the ancient hedgeline which forms the northern boundary;
  2. at least 3.7 hectares of formal playing fields is provided in the development area;
  3. a landscape phasing programme is agreed with the Council; and
  4. the long term management of all open space and structural landscaping is secured.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of protecting and enhancing open space, managing and enhancing habitats. However, it works against the Objectives of protecting the countryside and concentrating investment in urban areas.

Primary School


The County Council has indicated that additional primary school provision will be needed to cater for the increased school population at Aylesham arising as a direct result of the proposed new housing. A site is allocated on land adjacent to the existing Primary School. This site offers the benefits of a campus-type development and will help integrate the two communities. Access to the site from Dorman Avenue North may be needed. The western boundary of the site is common with the adjacent housing allocation. There is scope at the master planning stage to vary the exact boundary to achieve the best shaped sites, subject to meeting school requirements. Developer contributions will be sought for these new facilities.

Policy AY8 –

Land within the development area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, is allocated to meet additional primary school provision.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of protecting open space and providing new local services in villages. It works against the Objective of protecting the countryside


St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School occupies a very small site to the rear of Bell Grove. Demand for places is high and likely to increase as the population expands. However, it is understood that the County Council and the Roman Catholic Education Commission are not currently seeking to relocate the school to a larger site during the Plan Period.

Health Care


Aylesham Health Centre is located in Boulevard Courrires. It is currently operating at capacity and the expected growth in population will require additional facilities to be provided. On-site expansion should meet the Health Centre's needs and, therefore, no additional land has been safeguarded. However, if a new site was needed, the Council would prefer a location close to Market Square and would object to any site in the DA. This would also be the case for other medical provision, such as a Doctor's Practice. The Council's approach aims to support the community services role of the existing centre and aid integration of the whole community. Developer contributions will be sought for the new extension.


There is currently a need for a sports hall and this provision will become even more necessary as the population expands. A site has, therefore, been allocated at Snowdown Colliery Welfare Ground, where it can be located with existing sports facilities. The building should be sited to minimise any reduction in the recreational and amenity value of the Welfare Ground, which is designated as open space. Once the sports hall is constructed the provisions of Policy OS1 will apply to the remaining open space. An equipped sports hall is regarded as essential community infrastructure and developer contributions will be sought.

Policy AY9 –

Land at Snowdown Colliery Welfare Ground, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, is allocated for an equipped sports hall.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objectives of recycling redundant resources, providing new local services in villages and reducing the need to travel. No Objectives are adversely affected.

Community Development Officer


One way to build good community relations and a more diverse network of local organisations is by appointing a community development officer to encourage self-help groups, welcome new residents and generally aid integration. Such an officer is already funded by the County Council, Kent Rural Community Council and the Countryside Agency to serve the coalfield communities. Once construction begins a further community development officer will be needed for a minimum of three years to establish the process of integrating existing and new residents. Developer contributions will be sought for this.

Environmental Improvements


A programme of environmental improvements will be necessary to improve the general environment of the village for both existing residents and to help market the new development. This will consist of improvements to the entrances and approaches to the DA and pedestrian/cycle connections to the station, together with an upgrade of the station itself. Developer contributions will be sought. Further works to improve street scapes and upgrade open spaces should also be carried out from alternative funding sources such as the Council and Single Regeneration Budget.




Footpath and Cycle Network 

A spinal footway/cycle network, separated from vehicular traffic, will link different uses in the DA. It will also extend, as far as is practicable, into the existing village as part of the environmental improvement programme. Every opportunity should be taken to link the cycle network into Regional Route 16, which runs through Aylesham.

Policy AY10 –

Proposals for the development area, shown on Sheet 3 of the Proposals Map, will not be permitted unless they include provision for a spinal footpath and cycle network, extending where practicable into the existing settlement.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objective of providing alternatives to the car. No Objectives are adversely affected.

Public Transport


Aylesham and Adisham Stations are on the Dover-London Victoria line, which runs an hourly service via Canterbury. Aylesham Station occupies a temporary structure but there are no plans for a permanent building. However, the Council will press for improvements which are considered to be vital if more people are to be encouraged to use the rail network. It is understood that, at best, the expansion will extend the life of the existing bus service. In due course, bus routes should run through the DA.

Road Layout within the DA


The road layout should be designed on the principles set out in Kent Design. It should contribute towards producing a legible and permeable environment whilst ensuring safe usage by pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. A new local distributor will form a spinal road through the housing land, and will link with the B2046 and Dorman Avenue North. This new spinal road will extend to Ratling Road but access from the DA will be restricted to emergency vehicles only.

Off-site Road Improvements


The County Council as the Highway Authority has advised that, before development can proceed, it will be necessary to carry out several road improvements (see Figure 14.2). They involve land in Canterbury District. Any improvements within Canterbury District will need to be promoted as amendments to the Canterbury District Local Plan. Developer contributions will be sought for all necessary off-site improvements.

Figure 14.2: Required Highway Improvements
New roundabout on the southern side of the A2 at its junction with the A260/B2046
Only needed if development proceeds before A260 Denton Bypass and its junction with the A2 at Lydden is firmly programmed. In this case, required before any development proceeds. CCC
New roundabout on the Dorman Avenue North to serve the Development Area
Before residential development proceeds DDS
Right-hand turn facility at junction of the Dorman Avenue North and B2046
After 200 dwellings
Upgrade the existing roundabout on northern side of A2 at its junction with the B2046
Only needed if development proceeds before A260 Denton Bypass and its junction with the A2 at Lydden is firmly programmed. In this case, required during latter phase of development period. CCC
Right-hand turn facility at the B2046 junction with Spinney Lane
Latter phase of development period DDC/CCC
Right-hand turn facility at the B2046 junction with Woolage Road
Latter phase of development period CCC
Traffic calming and other improvements to the existing settlements of Aylesham and Adisham
Phased throughout
Possible traffice management scheme for Rattling
Need to be kept under review and implemented if and when required

The County Council will make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) on any land required provided the developer guarantees funding for the purchase of the land, the cost of construction and any subsequent claims for compensation on land values. As promoter of the CPO, the County Council would be liable to pay any claims awarded in subsequent actions by landowners and will, therefore, require a legally binding undertaking from the developer before any acquisition is undertaken.


The Council will expect road design, especially junction layouts, to deter commercial traffic from entering residential areas, and the villages of Ratling and Adisham.



New development will comply with the cycle and vehicle parking requirements set out in Policy TR7.

Utility Services


The existing electricity supply is at capacity during peak times and must be reinforced before new development is occupied. While land will be required for a terminal pylon and small sub-station, a site cannot be identified at this stage. The developer should explore the possibility of placing the existing 11kV overhead line and all new lines underground.


A medium pressure gas main runs along Ratling Road adjacent to the eastern boundary of the DA. It has sufficient capacity to serve the proposed development, though a small site will be needed adjacent to Ratling Road for pressure reduction equipment and governors. There is also enough capacity in the network in the Cornwallis Avenue and Old Park housing areas to serve about 100 houses in the southern part of the DA. All costs will be funded from connection charges to new dwellings.


Folkestone and Dover Water Services Ltd is responsible for water supply, although it may also be possible for the development to receive its water supply from Southern Water Services Ltd. Existing capacity will serve development equivalent to about 350 dwellings, after which it will be necessary to reinforce the off-site mains. Water must be supplied to all new development without a pressure reduction in the existing system.


Southern Water Services is responsible for sewage disposal. There is sufficient capacity at the Dambridge Wastewater Treatment Works (WTW), Wingham, to serve the expansion. There is sewer capacity for only about 100 dwellings in the existing settlement. Owing to topography in the DA, any development is likely to require a rising main and pumping station, plus a new trunk sewer to Dambridge WTW. The opportunity to improve the water quality of the Wingham River should be taken into account when assessing drainage options.


The DA lies in both a Zone 1 and Zone 2 aquifer protection area, where special restrictions apply.


British Telecom is able to extend its system into the DA and lines will be ducted alongside the road network. The ducting will have the capacity to take other services, such as cable television. The system will be financed by connection charges.

Policy AY11 –

Proposals for the development area will not be permitted unless:-

  1. land is safeguarded for the provision of electricity substations, the number and location of which have yet to be determined;
  2. land is safeguarded for gas pressure reduction equipment and governors close to Ratling Road;
  3. an adequate water supply to serve the development is made available before development starts and which would not lead to a reduction in pressure to existing users; and
  4. adequate means of wastewater disposal are available before each phase of the development is occupied.

Environmental Appraisal

The policy supports the Objective of ensuring that basic services in villages are maintained and, if possible, enhanced. However, it works against the Objectives of protecting the countryside, concentrating investment in urban areas, reducing pollution and recycling redundant resources.

1Outline Financial Appraisal - David Lock Associates (1991)
2Aylesham Expansion - Technical Assessment and Cost Appraisal - Allott and Lomax (1992) Confidential
3Expansion of Aylesham: Review of Proposals - David Lock Associates (1991)